Downloading Files

You can download a file from Document by using the right-click menu. You also can download a file by dragging the file from Document to any location that supports drag-and-drop functionality. When you download a file, a copy of the file is placed in the location you select. Edits you make to this copy will not affect the original file in Document. File downloads are recorded in the file history. You can download multiple files at one time if needed.

Note: If you are downloading a file to view it offline, consider using the synchronized file feature instead of downloading the file. This feature makes a copy of the file available on your computer, while maintaining the connection to Document. The copy of the file on your computer will be automatically updated when changes are made to the file stored in Document. See Making Files Available Offline for more information.

ClosedDownloading a file from the right-click menu

  1. ClosedLocate the file in Document CentralClosed The main window where most Document tasks originate. Document Central contains several tabs that display lists of files, file groups, discussions, tasks, and recent entities..
    • Use the navigation panel to locate the file by entity. Locate and select the entity the file belongs to on the navigation panel. Then, select the File List tab on Document Central to view all files for the entity. You can filter or sort the grid on this tab as needed to find a specific file.
    • Search for the file. Document offers both a quick search and an advanced search. You can use filters and wildcard characters to help you limit your search to relevant results.
  2. Right-click the file and select Download.
  3. Note: The items on the right-click menu vary depending on your permissions and security group assignments. Administrative users can change permissions and security group assignments in Administration Manager. See the Administration Manager Help and the topic Managing Access in CCH® ProSystem fx® for more information.

  4. If needed, enter a different file name and select a different location where the file should be downloaded. By default, the file is saved to your Documents folder.
  5. Click Save.

ClosedDownloading a file by dragging it to a new location

You can drag a file from Document to your computer desktop or to any other Windows Explorer location that supports drag-and-drop functionality. You also can drag files from Document to a Microsoft® Outlook® email. When you drag a file to an email, the file is attached to the email.

Important: When you attach files to Outlook emails using the drag-and-drop method, the files are not encrypted, nor is the file sensitivity checked. If you must email sensitive files, we recommend that you either use Document's internal email feature or the plug-in to Outlook. When you send files using these methods, the files are encrypted and the file sensitivity is checked. See Securing Files Sent by Email for more information.

To download a file by dragging it from Document, do the following:

  1. ClosedLocate the file in Document CentralClosed The main window where most Document tasks originate. Document Central contains several tabs that display lists of files, file groups, discussions, tasks, and recent entities..
    • Use the navigation panel to locate the file by entity. Locate and select the entity the file belongs to on the navigation panel. Then, select the File List tab on Document Central to view all files for the entity. You can filter or sort the grid on this tab as needed to find a specific file.
    • Search for the file. Document offers both a quick search and an advanced search. You can use filters and wildcard characters to help you limit your search to relevant results.
  2. Click on the file you want to download without releasing the mouse button.
  3. With the mouse button depressed, drag your pointer to the location where you want to download the file.
  4. Release the mouse button when you reach the location where you want to download the file.